Sigma Nu Rho Chapter of Tri Ess International
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Welcome to Sigma Nu Rho
A Chapter of Tri-Ess International
Serving the Trenton, New Jersey Metro Area

Tri-Ess is an educational, social, and support group for the heterosexual crossdresser, their partner, the spouse of the married crossdresser, and their families. We support the crossdresser and their spouse. We believe that we are blessed with an additional facet to our personalities. If we accept our transgender side, and explore it, we will find a broadening of the entire personality, which can be very fulfilling.

The crossdresser, who encompasses the majority of males of transgender experience, is most often strongly heterosexual, enjoys the many aspects of their male life, and has no desire to pursue any transitional path. For the crossdresser, the ability to periodically express the feminine side of their personality is sufficient. The New Jersey Tri-Ess Chapter Sigma Nu Rho understands the needs of the heterosexual crossdresser, and the concerns of the female partner, or the spouse of the married crossdresser. Our support group provides a safe social and support environment for the crossdresser, their partner, the spouse of the married crossdresser, and their families living in the New Jeresy and Eastern Pennsylvania areas.

The New Jersey Tri-Ess Chapter Sigma Nu Rho fully supports open transgender organizations and the broader transgender community. In fact, some of our members belong to other transgender organizations and frequent open transgender support groups. Different individuals and their partners need different levels of support. We understand this, and therefore operates as a focused support group for the heterosexual crossdresser, their partner, the spouse of the married crossdresser, and their families.

We are dedicated to: