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Last updated June 4,2007 - still working

Published Jan. 2004 Christmas Party� An annual event

The Christmas party was a success, and we will be talking about next year at the same place with a few changes. The date is the first thing to be decided. As Christmas will be on a Saturday, the week before is a possible date. The changing room should also be ready for next year, and I hope we can keep the bar.

Published Jan. 2004 Shopping Trip -�Some girls go every month

On Wednesday I stopped in the Dress Barn on Rt. 130. The manager that we meet on a Dinner and Movie night was there and was very helpful. I selected a few items that I wanted to try on, and she offered to let me go in the back of the store if it would make me more comfortable. I said that the regular dressing room was OK and she opened it for me.

I hope that we can arrange to go there on a meeting night for a group shopping trip. The store would be closed to the public for our shopping. We can talk about it at the meeting.

Published Feb. 2004� Dinner and a Movie -

���� Any month when there are five Saturdays

January's Diner and a movie was Shopping, Dinner and a Movie. We started the night at the Dressbarn on Rt. 130, then went to Denny's and then to the movie "Somethings gotta Give". That was the name of the movie and not a comment on the night. We were the only shoppers in the store for most of the time, but a woman (A REAL ONE) did come in. She was behind us at the check out and everything went wrong. I asked her if she had ever thought that shopping could be this much fun. She said "No" and that her husband was waiting outside. I said we would "pick him up" on the way out and she laughed. On the way out I walked over to the car and told him his wife would be right out. We did not wait to see if E.M.S. had to be called.

Pat visits the Smithsonian April 2004

No, not as an exhibit in the Natural History part with the rest of the fossils, but just for a visit. The ride on the subway was also fun, but walking the Mall in the wind and rain was not. My under-wire setting off the metal detectors was amusing.

May Meeting 2004

Trish Sheridan of Lady Remington will be here in May and we will also be doing I.D. Cards for any who wish to get one. Trish will be doing a program on jewelry and accessories. All of her jewelry caries a lifetime guarantee. I have al large amount of Lady Remington jewelry and have taken advantage og the guarantee. It really works.

Picnic at the Church 2004

The date was June 26 the weather was good and Joyce had a problem. Being a very good person, she had decided to steam clean the two old grills she was bringing to the picnic. She carefully moved them to a paved area too do the job and left them there. Mother Nature the dropped a tree on both of them to save Joyce the trouble of cleaning them. Joyce rallied and bought two new grills.

The date was still June 26, the weather was good and Joyce and Company were putting the grills together. (Why read the directions, that's no fun.)Leah did her great job of cooking while Robin did most of the inside work as usual. (What would we do without her? Get off our butts and do some work ourselves!!!) We had about 30 people, so we did not loose too much. (I think Alice donated the church rental, and Joyce did not charge for the grills) Several people brought extra food which all enjoyed.

Thanks to all that worked and donated, we all had a good time.

August Meeting 2004

We have no program for the August meeting. We might try going back to the Dressbarn, unless you all have enough cloths. It will also be the last meeting for Patty and Christie as they are moving to the Carolinas.

I will be going back the Plymouth Rock the week of Aug 23. Maybe I can bring some pictures, or some pebbles to the meeting. I could try a two piece suit, but that picture would be better for Halloween.

October Meeting 2004

The October meeting will be a Halloween Party. We hope that Jillian will be able to get to the meeting, but her health comes first. Robin will not be at the meeting, so Pat will have to get there early. Anyone who can come early and bring anything to decorate, will be welcome.

Costumes are optional. If you want, you could even come in DRAG. Maybe dig out that outfit you had way back at the start, before you knew anything.